Meet our Top Instrumentalist of Music Festival 2018

The 32nd Music Festival of Trinidad and Tobago is finally over and hopefully most participants have left  happy with their experience. Thank you to all who assisted in planning and for continuing to serve our Performing Arts Industry.


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One participant, who is without a doubt still in a state of euphoria is my star guitar pupil, Marc Mahase. Marc took home the Champion Guitarist trophy a week ago so when he was invited to the closing ceremony we assumed it was just for a final rendition of his intricate piece, ‘Madronos’ by Torroba. Little did we know that Marc was also going to be honoured not only with the Best Stringed Instrumentalist Award but also with the highly coveted Joan Yuille Williams Trophy Most Outstanding Instrumentalist. He couldn’t believe it!!! I didn’t even know the awards existed. He and his family are still ecstatic. 


Best Instrumentalist

I found it only appropriate to use today’s blog to celebrate Marc’s achievement. It is testament to Marc’s raw talent and the effort he put into his preparation. Below are a few humble words shared directly from him today:

“ I feel very priveleged to have received three awards at the 32nd Music Festival. It was a great experience to perform at this level. I felt nervous at first but this diminished, without completely vanishing, as the stages went by and I became more confident with the piece." 

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Champion Instrumentalist Marc Mahase

"My performance piece, ‘Madronos’ by Federico Moreno Torroba was quite challenging. I am grateful to my guitar tutor, Stefan Roach, whose instruction and feedback made sure that I played the piece to the best of my ability. He was never afraid to tell me when I wasn’t playing well and never sugar-coated things. I am also very thankful to my parents who are always very supportive of my musical career.” 

"Winning these awards would not have been possible, however, without individual effort in the form of countless hours of practice, which is the key to success in anything” Marc Mahase.


Champion Guitarist

On behalf of all students and supporters of Stefan’s Guitar Academy, congratulations Marc on this amazing achievement!!!


Best Stringed Instrumetalist


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© Stefan Roach 2013