Wedding Thoughts from the Sidelines

Many of the weddings that my family attended whilst I was growing up, were at people’s homes. All the relatives would pitch in and help with décor, cook the food and run the bar. It was a true family affair and maybe inadvertently, a unifying exercise for the two families being joined through the wedding vows. 

Today, the wedding industry is a highly commercialized, lucrative one, with the least emphasis on the actual depth of the vows being made on the day and the life after for the newlyweds.

Having attended and performed at many different types of weddings, I found that the most memorable and enjoyable ones were intimate and were a true product of the personalities of the couple involved.


Have modern weddings lost sight of the importance of the vows?

What makes for an enjoyable wedding?

I’d love to hear your opinion in the comments section.


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© Stefan Roach 2013