El Sistema, a Refuge for Kids

This article was inspired by the success I’ve learnt about, coming from the El Sistema programme in Venezuela. The crime situation being faced in Trinidad continues to deteriorate, with kids in their early teens and even younger being vulnerable to joining gangs and getting involved in illegal activity. We wonder… What else can be done to save our most vulnerable youth?

 In Venezuela, El Sistema is a music programme that provides a refuge to kids from the unforgiving life within depressed communities. Kids from as early as 2-3 years can join and begin learning foundation principles of musicianship such as self-expression and rhythm. They eventually hold their first instrument at the age of 5 and even before their teenage years can be performing publicly as part of large orchestras.

 The programme has been extremely successful in Venezuela in helping to keep kids out of a life of crime, with over 500,000 participants across the country. There are now many El Sistema influenced programmes around the world.


Why is such a programme so successful?

 The great French writer and poet, Victor Hugo who wrote novels such as Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Damne once said:

 “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”

 Music provides an outlet for these kids to express themselves. It is a medium for them to vent their anger, pain or sadness and at the same time experience a unique joy and ecstasy. These kids learn about discipline and hard work. They revel in the joy that they experience after a successful performance in front of a capacity audience. They finally get an opportunity to feel a deep sense of satisfaction and self-worth that may have previously been denied to them.

 There’s so much more that can be said on the value of music and why programmes such as El Sistema work. Join my Mailing List to keep up with my blogs.

© Stefan Roach 2013